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All PostsOrganic Dark Leafy Greens

Organic Dark Leafy Greens

Greens to Live By   If there is one food group that should be consumed every single day without fail, that would be the dark leafy green category. This covers a wide range of greens. Most importa...

All PostsBake-at Home Thumbprint Cookies

Bake-at Home Thumbprint Cookies

Bake-at Home Thumbprint Cookies Our bake-at-home mixes are a great way to have P.S. & Co. baked goods from the comfort of your own home. Get the kids involved for an interactive pl...

All PostsOmega-3s in a Whole Foods/Plant-Based Diet

Omega-3s in a Whole Foods/Plant-Based Diet

Leave the Fish, Take the Algae   You may have heard about how important omega-3s are in a diet. You may have also heard that one would need to consume fish or take fish oil supplements in order t...

All PostsBake at Home: Organic Midnight Brownie Mix

Bake at Home: Organic Midnight Brownie Mix

This month’s Bake at Home highlight is our famous Organic Midnight Brownie Mix. Not only do these brownies make for a delicious and filling chocolaty treat, they are nourishing as well. Each and ev...

All PostsPowerhouse Plant: Soy

Powerhouse Plant: Soy

Soy in the News   In the past few years, soy has gotten a terrible reputation. It has been positioned in society as some sort of evil, unhealthy plant. Americans hold onto this belief tha...

All PostsBake-at-Home: Organic Carrot Cupcake Mix

Bake-at-Home: Organic Carrot Cupcake Mix

This week, we are highlighting our bake-at-home carrot cupcake mix. Baking at home is a great way to experience our decadent recipes from the comfort of your own home! Best part is, that we ship na...