Greens to Live By If there is one food group that should be consumed every single day without fail, that would be the dark leafy green category. This covers a wide range of greens. Most importa...
Bake-at Home Thumbprint Cookies
Bake-at Home Thumbprint Cookies Our bake-at-home mixes are a great way to have P.S. & Co. baked goods from the comfort of your own home. Get the kids involved for an interactive pl...
Omega-3s in a Whole Foods/Plant-Based Diet
Leave the Fish, Take the Algae You may have heard about how important omega-3s are in a diet. You may have also heard that one would need to consume fish or take fish oil supplements in order t...
Bake at Home: Organic Midnight Brownie Mix
This month’s Bake at Home highlight is our famous Organic Midnight Brownie Mix. Not only do these brownies make for a delicious and filling chocolaty treat, they are nourishing as well. Each and ev...
Soy in the News In the past few years, soy has gotten a terrible reputation. It has been positioned in society as some sort of evil, unhealthy plant. Americans hold onto this belief tha...
Bake-at-Home: Organic Carrot Cupcake Mix
This week, we are highlighting our bake-at-home carrot cupcake mix. Baking at home is a great way to experience our decadent recipes from the comfort of your own home! Best part is, that we ship na...